On 2/22/07, Bill Balcerski <billbalcerski at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > http://www.colinmacdonald.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/pics/netrek3d.gif
> >
> I see you've tinkered some with the 2D version, i.e. army counts on
> tactical and
> some weird circle around the fed ship.  Have a public source controlled
> repository?
> Clearly you've made some changes/improvements to the xp 2006 client,
> besides
> just the c++ compile fixes, and I would like to be able to see what you
> did and perhaps
> take some of your patches.

Hmm, those are (temporary!) info-borg hacks so that I can more easily
compare what I see on the 3D screen with the definitive 2D client during
testing.  They're not proposed changes to the 2D client.

I will make the full source available closer to completion (or more likely
abandonment ;) ) but it's in bits and pieces just now and I don't think
there's anything particularly interesting in it.

-Colin MacDonald-
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