On 7/8/07, James Cameron <quozl at us.netrek.org> wrote:
> My understanding of the problem is that the client will let them play,
> but if they are idle for more than 30 seconds then the server ghostbusts
> them.
> You don't know that the ghostbust (that you observe as another player or
> observer slot) is seen by the MacTrek user as a serious bug.  You will
> get the same evidence on a server if they close the application.  My
> guess is that those 30 instances represent maybe 20 deliberate quits.

Yes but I think it maybe higher, I saw instances where I observed the
ship engaging (firing torps, changng speed/course) and suddenly I see
then wandering off into 3rd space and then they bust, I also observed
several times busted players try to come back in and saw them repeat
the process.

> Even if it is the activity timeout, so what?  They left the application
> alone on screen and did nothing.  What the application does next is
> critical to the user's perception.


> The good thing about a major bug is that it lets you release 1.3.1 or
> 1.4 quickly.  It is an opportunity.

:) I've never seen so many new players in a given 1-2 day period.
Maybe other clients should buy some advertising space on apple.com ;-)
