I am in the process of packaging the COW client to Mageia, and possibly also Mandriva, and putting it in the non-free repository because of the current license. And I have a question about the license.

The last day I have looked around for the license of the program, which I have found (copyright.h and copyright2.h).
During my search I found this list, when in a message from may 2009 you got the permission to relicense "RES-RSA" under the BSD license.
And I am wondering, is there any attempt to also relicence the client, and possibly the vanilla server under a Free Software license, like the BSD?

The cow client and the vanila server are currently Non-free programs as it doesn't permitt commerical use, which the BSD and GPL licenses allow.
Or is it already under the BSD-licence and someone have forgotten to update/add a licence to the package stateing that it is relicenced?

Johnny A. Solbu
web site,   http://www.solbu.net
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